The low volatility factor provides a mechanism for investors to control risk while generating similar returns to the market.
Smart beta providers offering exposure to alternative factors
Some smart beta providers are targeting alternative factors amid the rapid growth in the number of products available in the market.
Tolerance Thresholds: Avoiding Costly Portfolio Rebalancing
Including a tolerance threshold can improve information ratios with only a marginal increase in volatility. A study by Quantilia
How A Maximum Weight Limit Affects the Returns of ERC Portfolios
Adding a maximum weight limit to an ERC portfolio does not affect its information ratio, but lower weight caps are associated with higher return and volatility.
Impact of the Window Size Used to Rebalance ERC Funds on Info. Ratios
A report by Quantilia found that large window sizes deliver the best mean rolling information ratios for portfolios.
How Transaction Costs Affect Information Ratios of 3 Weighting Schemes
A study on how transaction costs affect information ratio under different weight by Quantilia
The Importance of Factor Index Rebalancing
One advantage of factor-based smart beta indices is that they are regularly rebalanced. This can lead to optimal returns without unnecessary fees.
The Rise of Fixed-Income Indices
Fixed-income indices have gained in popularity, boosted in part by the growth of the smart beta market. They are used as non-investable benchmarks.
The Importance of Being Independent
Quantilia is an independent platform. We gather all information and present them in an objective way, helping investors in their decisions.
How to Assess the Efficiency of Risk Premia Strategies
A selection of assessment tools to analyse the efficiency of risk premia indices, keeping in mind that they generally have no real benchmarks.
Risk Premia and Smart Beta Strategy Types
As there are no standards in the market regarding risk premia and smart beta strategy types, there are different names for the same thing. This is an overview.
How to Build a Risk Premia Portfolio
Read here about how to build a risk premia portfolio and what factors to take into account. Such portfolios are good alternative for risk prone investors.