Dans un contexte où certains leaders mondiaux remettent en question les normes et efforts environnementaux, Quantilia défend une vision claire…
Dans le cadre de sa politique RSE, Quantilia met à disposition des ressources humaines en pro bono à destination d’associations…
Managing volatility risks with Columbia Threadneedle
Despite a big uncertainty and shutdowns in economic activity due to Coronavirus, Columbia Threadneedle is continuing to focus on strong…
Investment strategies with Yoann Ignatiew from Rothschild & Co Asset Management Europe
How to build a successful investment strategy: Yoann Ignatiew, Managing Director & co-Fund Manager of R-co Valor at Rothschild &…
Small-cap expertise with Kempen Capital Management
Do you really know your Small-caps? Quantilia asked the Small-Caps team at Kempen Capital Management to share how they confidently…
Risk-management with Morgan Stanley Investment Management
Active vs. Passive management debate, risk-management solutions, the impact of ESG filters on performance – Quantilia had the pleasure of…
Intelligent risk-taking and other secrets of Unigestion’s success
In the Manager’s kitchen with Jérôme Teiletche, Unigestion’s Head of Cross Asset Solutions Want to know the secret of Unigestion’s…
Risk Premia fund with the LFIS team
Discussing Risk Premia fund with the LFIS team While many quant fund managers struggled in 2018, one of them managed…
Smart Beta solutions with Ossiam
Active vs Passive vs Smart Beta ? What a tricky question. Quantilia asked Alexandre Duriez, Co-Head of Investment Management and Research…
Factor investing with Research Affiliates
Does Factor Investing always mean diversification? What are the challenges when combining ESG and Smart Beta? To find the answers…
Interview with WisdomTree
This month, our Co-founder Mr. Guillaume Subias sat down for an exclusive interview with Christopher Gannatti, Head of Research, Europe…
Interview with VIA AM
VIA AM is a Paris-based asset management company, formed in 2015 by a group of experienced “systematic-investment-strategies” managers and analysts….