Accurate ESG and risks reports for modern investors

ESG reports and Impact Investing

With more and more regulations applying to investment managers, and the rise of ESG finance, the production of legal and ESG reports represent a key challenge. Quantilia assists your team in this task by handling the full data process, running the calculations and producing the right documents. Together with your legal team or assisted by an external consulting firm, Quantilia implements your guidelines checks, calculates your scores, produces your legal reports and help you focus on the rest of your activity.

Quantilia’s data cleaning processes

Quantilia’s data cleaning processes

ESG reports and Impact Investing

With more and more regulations applying to investment managers, and the rise of ESG finance, the production of legal and ESG reports represent a key challenge. Quantilia assists your team in this task by handling the full data process, running the calculations and producing the right documents. Together with your legal team or assisted by an external consulting firm, Quantilia implements your guidelines checks, calculates your scores, produces your legal reports and help you focus on the rest of your activity.


Quantilia is a leader for the creation of ESG dashboards and reports, representing your exact ESG investment policy. From standard EET or SFDR reports to specific dashboards for large institutions, it is ESG data agnostic and perfectly suited to a changing regulation and a growing care from investors and stakeholders. Based on the integration of ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) data, it takes into account any granularity level (pillars, sub-pillars, raw data) and runs the carbon impact calculations needed at the portfolio level.

  • ESG Article 173 reporting obligations
  • Portfolio carbon footprint
  • PAI statement and LEC29
  • Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) article 8
  • Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) article 9
  • Proportion of assets (e.g. ETFs) respecting SDFR 8 or more

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ESG reports made with passion


Quantilia risk reports include the necessary calculations and market scenario simulations for the recent EU regulations, such as the Packaged Retail and Insurance-based Investment Products (PRIIPs).

  • Synthetic Risk and Reward Indicator (SRRI), focusing on market risk (Market Risk Measure, MRM)
  • Summary Risk Indicator (SRI), focusing not only on market risk but also on credit risk (Credit Risk Measure, CRM)
  • VaR, CVaR, Cornish Fisher, market scenarii
  • Generation of EPT (European PRIIPS Template), EET (European ESG Template) and CEPT (Comfort European PRIIPs Template)
  • Costs and performance fees analysis
  • Funds prospectus guidelines checks and alerts
Assess the impact of potential trades on your portfolio, run ex-ante overlap analysis to figure out the real diversification brought by each new fund or ETF and reshuffle your positions accordingly, make sure each possible investment respects specific statutory and regulatory guidelines.

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Large investors have their own ways to look at the market, with their own conventions, habits, and metrics.
Quantilia has developed a flexible system which adjusts to those specificities:

  • Detail the exact positions you are holding by portfolios, investment vehicles, sub-portfolios or branches
  • Apply your convention in each relevant calculation
  • Detect thresholds for any of your financial and extra financial metrics
  • Draft the reports with your own branding, colors and disclaimers
With Quantilia accurate methodology, get the exact reports you need without having to rework the documents or the data internally.