From the consolidation of bank accounts to ESG reports

"L'adoption de la solution d'analyse personnalisée de Quantilia marque une nouvelle étape dans les efforts soutenus de GATE Advisory pour offrir à ses clients des opportunités d'investissement de haute précision.



"Contribuer au succès d'acteurs comme GATE Advisory est un défi passionnant, à la croisée des chemins entre tradition et innovation." Florian Garivier, PDG de Quantilia

Directeur des investissements,

Suivi des profils offensifs, équilibrés, défensifs et des portefeuilles SAA/TAA

Bank accounts consolidation for your key clients

Quantilia goes above and beyond to streamline the process of gathering bank account information from your Ultra High Net Worth Individual (UHNWI) clients. With more than 400 banks and asset manager connections, our platform ensures a seamless and thorough reconciliation of every transaction and position, providing you with a clean and accurate overview of your clients' financial holdings. With Quantilia, you can rest assured that you'll have all the necessary data at your fingertips to generate comprehensive client reports promptly at the beginning of each month. These reports are meticulously crafted to include all the details required by your clients on one side, as well as by your internal team on the other side, facilitating efficient portfolio management. By automating the data collection and report generation process, Quantilia frees up your time and resources, allowing you to focus on what truly matters: making strategic investment decisions and delivering exceptional service to your clients. With Quantilia handling the administrative tasks, you can devote more attention to cultivating client relationships and driving portfolio performance, ultimately enhancing the overall client experience and satisfaction.

ESG analysis for your Discretionary Portfolio Management (DPM) mandates

Quantilia offers a comprehensive suite of services to support your Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting needs for both mandates and discretionary portfolio management teams. Our platform is equipped to conduct a thorough security level lookthrough on your funds, meticulously aggregating data at the portfolio level. Leveraging advanced analytics, we seamlessly integrate ESG scores into the dataset, allowing for a holistic assessment of your portfolio's sustainability performance. Furthermore, our team is proficient in applying your organization's specific ESG methodology, ensuring that the reports generated align precisely with your investment principles and objectives. Whether you require standard ESG reports (PAI, LEC29, SFDR,...), custom-tailored analyses, or regulatory compliance documentation, Quantilia has you covered. Our flexible reporting capabilities enable us to generate a wide range of reports, including performance summaries, risk assessments, and impact analyses, all presented in formats that are clear, concise, and actionable. With Quantilia as your partner, you can rest assured that your ESG reporting requirements are met with accuracy, efficiency, and transparency, empowering you to make informed decisions and demonstrate your commitment to sustainable investing practices.

Rapports sur le Private Equity (capital-investissement)

Quantilia est une plateforme complète d'actifs croisés, équipée de manière unique pour répondre à un large éventail de classes d'investissement, avec un accent particulier sur les actifs illiquides. Notre plateforme offre une intégration et un suivi transparents de tous vos fonds de private equity et autres engagements, en les consolidant avec le reste de votre portefeuille d'investissement. En fournissant une vue unifiée de l'ensemble de votre paysage d'investissement, Quantilia permet une analyse de la performance des actifs croisés, vous permettant d'obtenir des informations précieuses sur la dynamique de la performance à travers les différentes classes d'actifs. De plus, notre plateforme offre des outils sophistiqués de planification de la liquidité, vous permettant de gérer de manière proactive les besoins de liquidité et d'optimiser les ratios de liquidité du portefeuille. Qu'il s'agisse d'évaluer la performance de vos positions en private equity, d'analyser l'impact des actifs illiquides sur l'ensemble de votre portefeuille ou d'élaborer une stratégie pour vos besoins de liquidité futurs, Quantilia vous offre les outils et les informations dont vous avez besoin pour prendre des décisions éclairées et atteindre vos objectifs d'investissement. Grâce à ses capacités transversales et à son expertise sur les actifs illiquides, Quantilia est votre partenaire de confiance pour naviguer dans les complexités de la gestion d'investissement avec clarté et confiance.

Data services: collect prospectus, process factsheets, create reports

For private banks navigating the complexities of wealth management, access to accurate and timely data is essential for providing clients with personalized investment solutions and ensuring regulatory compliance. This is where Quantilia's comprehensive data services come into play, offering private banks a range of invaluable tools and resources to streamline operations, enhance client service, and drive business growth. One of the primary challenges faced by private banks is the efficient collection and management of investment data from various sources. From prospectuses to factsheets and performance reports, the sheer volume and diversity of data can be overwhelming. Quantilia addresses this challenge head-on by providing robust data collection services that gather, organize, and standardize data from a wide range of sources. By automating the collection process, Quantilia enables private banks to access accurate and up-to-date information without the burden of manual data entry or reconciliation. Once the data is collected, the next step is to process and analyze it to extract meaningful insights. This is where Quantilia's data processing capabilities shine. Our advanced algorithms and analytics tools enable private banks to quickly and efficiently process factsheets, prospectuses, and other investment documents, extracting key information and identifying trends and patterns. With Quantilia's data processing services, private banks can gain deeper visibility into their investment portfolios, identify opportunities and risks, and make informed decisions that drive better outcomes for their clients. In addition to data collection and processing, Quantilia also offers report creation services that enable private banks to generate customized reports tailored to their clients' needs. Whether it's performance reports, portfolio summaries, or compliance documents, Quantilia's intuitive reporting tools make it easy to create professional-quality reports that showcase investment performance, track progress towards financial goals, and demonstrate compliance with regulatory requirements. With Quantilia's report creation services, private banks can enhance client communication, build trust, and differentiate themselves in a competitive market